Romeo 505 Nicaragua by Romeo y Julieta Cigar

The Romeo 505 Nicaragua by Romeo y Julieta is a luxurious cigar crafted with the finest Nicaraguan tobacco. Sun-grown and meticulously hand-rolled, it offers a rich, bold flavor perfect for discerning aficionados. Indulge in this premium blend, renowned for its exceptional quality and taste.


The Romeo 505 Nicaragua by Romeo y Julieta measures 6 inches in length with a ring gauge of 50, offering a substantial and satisfying draw.


These luxurious cigars come beautifully packaged in a wooden box, designed to keep them fresh and ready for enjoyment anytime.

Tobacco source and process

Crafted from the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, the Romeo 505 boasts a sun-grown wrapper and a meticulous hand-rolling process that ensures superior quality.

Flavor and aroma

Experience the bold, rich flavors of the Romeo 505, with hints of spice and earthiness that linger on the palate, accompanied by an enticing aroma.

What goes best with it

I love pairing this cigar with a glass of aged rum or a robust espresso. The smooth, complex flavors complement each other perfectly, making for a truly indulgent experience.

Introduction to Plush Cigar

Plush Cigar is dedicated to helping cigar enthusiasts make informed choices. Our professional evaluators meticulously review cigars and humidifiers, providing expert insights to elevate your smoking experience.