Punch Diablo Cigar

Original price was: $89.10.Current price is: $71.99.

Punch Diablo cigars, crafted by AJ Fernandez, offer a bold and rich smoking experience. These premium Nicaraguan cigars come in an elegant box, perfect for discerning cigar enthusiasts.


The Punch Diablo cigars have a length of 6 inches and a ring gauge of 50, offering an ideal size for a satisfying smoke.


Elegantly packaged in a wooden box, each Punch Diablo cigar is carefully placed to preserve its quality and freshness. The box becomes a perfect gift or addition to your cigar collection.

Tobacco source and process

Crafted in Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez, the Punch Diablo cigars utilize a blend of well-aged tobaccos, expertly processed to bring out the finest flavors.

Flavor and aroma

The Punch Diablo delivers bold and intense flavors with a rich aroma. Each puff reveals notes of earth, leather, and a hint of spice, making for a complex and pleasurable smoking experience.

What goes best with it

I highly recommend enjoying Punch Diablo cigars with a glass of aged whiskey or a robust red wine. The smoky, rich flavors complement these beverages perfectly, enhancing your relaxation time.

About Plush Cigar

Plush Cigar is renowned for its expertise in evaluating cigars and cigar humidifiers. Our team of professional evaluators is dedicated to helping you make informed choices. At Plush Cigar, we are passionate about bringing you the best in the cigar world.

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