Plasencia Alma del Campo Cigar

Original price was: $171.00.Current price is: $148.99.

Experience the Plasencia Alma del Campo cigars, crafted in Nicaragua for the discerning smoker. These rich, medium-bodied cigars offer a smooth and balanced flavor profile. Perfectly packed, they promise both quality and luxury. Ideal for special occasions or as a premium gift, Plasencia Alma del Campo ensures a refined and satisfying smoke every time.


The Plasencia Alma del Campo cigars boast a length of 5 1/4 inches, a diameter of 52, and a ring gauge of 52. Perfectly made for a balanced smoke.


Each box contains 10 meticulously crafted cigars, elegantly presented in a sturdy wooden box, ensuring both preservation and attractive presentation. The turquoise and gold labeling adds a touch of luxury.

Tobacco source and process

Made in Nicaragua, these cigars utilize aged Nicaraguan tobacco, known for its rich and robust character. The complex blending process and precise fermentation techniques culminate in a premium smoking experience.

Flavor and aroma

The smoke provides an exquisite blend of nutty and earthy tones with subtle hints of spice and coffee. It has a medium body and delivers a well-rounded, aromatic experience from start to finish.

What goes best with it

I love pairing the Plasencia Alma del Campo with a fine glass of aged rum or a robust espresso. Whether enjoyed after a gourmet meal or during a leisurely evening with friends, the combination elevates the experience to a new level of satisfaction.

About Plush Cigar

Plush Cigar is dedicated to the art of cigar appreciation, providing professional reviews of cigars and cigar humidifiers. Our expert evaluators rigorously test and recommend products, ensuring enthusiasts like me can make informed decisions. Trust Plush Cigar to guide us to the best choices, enhancing our smoking pleasure.

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