Perdomo Double Aged 12 Year Vintage Maduro Cigar

Original price was: $276.00.Current price is: $234.99.

Experience the ultimate in cigar craftsmanship with Perdomo Double Aged 12 Year Vintage Maduro cigars. These premium cigars are meticulously aged for 12 years, delivering a rich and complex flavor profile. Each cigar is made with the finest Maduro leaves, providing a bold yet smooth smoking experience. Perfect for discerning cigar aficionados.


The Perdomo Double Aged 12 Year Vintage Maduro measures 6 inches in length with a ring size of 54, offering a substantial and satisfying smoke.


Each cigar is elegantly presented in a cedar-lined box of 24, enhancing the aging process and maintaining the quality and flavor.

Tobacco Source and Process

The tobacco used in these cigars is sourced from the finest fields in Nicaragua and undergoes a meticulous double aging process of 12 years, ensuring unparalleled richness and complexity.

Flavor and Aroma

Expect deep notes of cocoa, espresso, and a hint of caramel, complemented by a smooth, velvety texture and a rich, earthy aroma that will captivate your senses.


I love pairing these cigars with a fine aged whiskey or a robust dark coffee. Whether relaxing in the evening by the fire or enjoying a celebratory moment with friends, this Maduro enhances every occasion.

Plush Cigar Review

Plush Cigar specializes in evaluating cigars and cigar humidifiers to help aficionados make the best choice. With professional evaluators dedicated to making detailed, unbiased reviews, Plush Cigar ensures you enjoy only the best in the cigar world.

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