Padron Maduro Cigar

Padron Maduro cigars offer a luxurious smoking experience with their rich, full-bodied flavor. Crafted from the finest tobacco, these premium cigars are perfect for connoisseurs. Order now and savor the exceptional quality of Padron Maduro.


The Padron Maduro cigar measures 6 inches in length with a 50 ring gauge, providing a perfect size for a fulfilling smoke session.


These cigars come elegantly packaged in a sleek box of 20, ensuring each cigar is well-protected and maintains its rich flavor.

Tobacco source and process

Padron Maduro is crafted from the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, aged for a minimum of 2.5 years. The meticulous process ensures a superior quality smoke.

Flavor and aroma

Each Padron Maduro cigar boasts a complex flavor profile with hints of coffee, dark chocolate, and sweet spices. The aroma is equally captivating, making every puff a delight.

What goes best with it

I love pairing my Padron Maduro with a glass of aged whiskey or a robust red wine. The combination brings out the best in both, making for an exquisite and relaxing evening.

About Plush Cigar

Plush Cigar is dedicated to helping cigar enthusiasts choose the best cigars and humidifiers. Our professional evaluators bring you the most accurate reviews, ensuring you make the best choice for your smoking pleasure.