Padron Family Reserve Cigar

Experience the pinnacle of luxury with Padron Family Reserve cigars. These premium, handmade Nicaraguan cigars deliver a rich, complex flavor profile, making them perfect for connoisseurs. Beautifully presented in an exquisite wooden box, each cigar promises an exceptional smoking experience.


Each Padron Family Reserve cigar measures 5 inches in length and has a ring gauge of 54, ensuring a substantial and satisfying smoke.


Presented in a beautifully crafted wooden box, the Padron Family Reserve cigars are elegantly displayed for both storage and gifting, highlighting their premium status.

Tobacco source and process

The Padron Family Reserve cigars are made from the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, meticulously aged and hand-rolled to perfection, ensuring the highest quality in every puff.

Flavor and aroma

Indulge in the harmonious blend of rich, complex flavors of cocoa, coffee, and a touch of spice, complemented by a captivating aroma that enhances every moment of your smoking journey.

What goes best with it

Imagine pairing this luxurious cigar with a glass of finely aged whiskey or a robust coffee on a relaxing evening. The balance of flavors elevates the experience, making it an ideal choice for unwinding after a long day or celebrating a special occasion with friends.

About Plush Cigar

Plush Cigar is dedicated to helping cigar enthusiasts make informed choices. Our team of professional evaluators specializes in reviewing cigars and humidifiers, ensuring you get the best recommendations. With a keen eye for quality and a passion for the perfect smoke, Plush Cigar is your trusted source for everything cigars.