Padron Damaso | Cigar
Padron Damaso cigars offer a smooth and rich smoking experience with premium Nicaraguan tobacco and delightful coffee flavor. Perfect for both cigar enthusiasts and novices, these hand-rolled cigars provide a unique blend of taste and aroma. Shop now to enjoy the luxury of Padron Damaso.
The Padron Damaso cigars come with a length of 6 inches, a diameter of 50 ring gauge, offering a perfectly balanced smoking experience.
Each Padron Damaso box contains 20 hand-rolled cigars, elegantly packaged to maintain freshness and enhance the unboxing experience.
Tobacco source and process
Crafted from premium Nicaraguan tobacco, the Padron Damaso cigars undergo a meticulous aging process that enhances their rich and smooth flavor profile.
Flavor and aroma
With a delightful coffee flavor and subtle aromatic hints, Padron Damaso cigars deliver a unique tasting experience that’s both smooth and rich.
What goes best with it
I love pairing Padron Damaso cigars with a fine glass of aged whiskey or a robust coffee. The combination of the cigar’s coffee notes with the nuanced flavors of the beverage enhances the overall experience, making it a perfect choice for a relaxed evening.
About Plush Cigar
Plush Cigar is dedicated to helping cigar aficionados make informed choices. Our expert evaluators provide in-depth reviews of cigars and humidifiers, ensuring you enjoy the best smoking experience. Trust our expertise to elevate your cigar sessions.