Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Cigar

The Padron 1964 Anniversary Series cigars offer an exceptional smoking experience with their rich, complex flavors and premium craftsmanship. Celebrating Padron’s legacy since 1964, these cigars are perfect for connoisseurs seeking luxury and elegance in every puff.


The Padron 1964 Anniversary Series measures 6.5 inches in length with a 52 ring gauge, offering a perfect balance for an enjoyable smoke.


These cigars are elegantly boxed in luxurious wooden cases, making them an ideal gift or addition to any cigar collection.

Tobacco source and process

Crafted from Nicaraguan sun-grown tobacco, the Padron 1964 Anniversary Series undergoes a meticulous aging process of four years, ensuring a consistently premium product.

Flavor and aroma

Expect a captivating blend of rich cocoa, coffee, and spice in every puff, with an impeccable aroma that enhances the overall smoking experience.

What goes best with it

I find that pairing these cigars with a glass of aged whiskey or a robust espresso truly elevates the experience. Perfect for a relaxing evening on the porch or a celebratory gathering with friends.

About Plush Cigar

Plush Cigar is dedicated to helping enthusiasts choose the best cigars and humidifiers. With a team of professional evaluators, Plush Cigar provides insightful reviews to guide your selections. I highly recommend checking out their expert advice.