Padron 1926 Series 80th Anniversary Cigar
Celebrate in style with Padron 1926 Series 80th Anniversary cigars. Crafted with premium tobacco, these cigars feature natural leaf wrappers for an exceptional smoking experience. Perfect for special occasions, the 1926 Series offers rich flavors and a smooth draw. Elevate your cigar collection with this exquisite anniversary edition.
The Padron 1926 Series 80th Anniversary cigar measures 6 3/4 inches in length with a 54-ring gauge, offering a perfect balance between length and girth for an ideal smoking experience.
Each Padron 1926 Series 80th Anniversary cigar is beautifully encased in a sleek, protective box that preserves its freshness and flavor, making it perfect for gifting or personal enjoyment.
Tobacco source and process
Crafted from the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, these cigars undergo an exquisite aging process to ensure unmatched quality. The tobacco leaves are hand-selected and aged for a minimum of five years, resulting in a rich, flavorful smoke.
Flavor and aroma
The Padron 1926 Series 80th Anniversary offers an intricate flavor profile with hints of cocoa, coffee, and subtle spices. The aroma is deep and captivating, setting the perfect ambiance for a luxurious smoking session.
What goes best with it
I enjoy pairing the Padron 1926 Series 80th Anniversary cigar with a fine glass of single malt Scotch. The silky smoke complements the drink’s complexity, creating a moment of pure indulgence. Imagine unwinding on a cozy evening with friends, sharing stories and savoring the harmonious symphony of flavors from both the cigar and the drink.
About Plush Cigar
Plush Cigar is a company that thrives on helping cigar enthusiasts make informed choices about their cigar selections and humidifiers. With a team of professional evaluators, Plush Cigar ensures that every product review is thorough and trustworthy. We are dedicated to enhancing your cigar experience with expert advice and top-notch recommendations.