Padron 1926 Series 40th Anniversary Cigar

The Padron 1926 Series 40th Anniversary cigar is a luxurious choice for any connoisseur. Crafted with premium tobacco and aged to perfection, this cigar delivers a rich, smooth flavor that is perfect for celebrating special occasions. The elegant presentation in a box highlights its superior quality and timeless taste. Indulge in the ultimate smoking experience with Padron’s finest.


The Padron 1926 Series 40th Anniversary cigar measures 6 1/2 inches in length with a 54-ring gauge, providing a substantial and satisfying smoke.


This exclusive cigar comes in an elegantly designed box, showcasing Padron’s commitment to quality and luxury. Each box contains 25 perfectly crafted cigars.

Tobacco source and process

Handcrafted with the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, the Padron 1926 Series undergoes an extensive aging process to ensure a superior smoking experience. The tobaccos are specially selected to provide a consistent and rich flavor.

Flavor and aroma

Light up and be greeted by a robust blend of flavors with hints of chocolate, coffee, and a touch of spice. The aroma is captivating, providing an indulgent and pleasurable smoking experience from start to finish.

What goes best with it

I find that this cigar pairs exceptionally well with a glass of aged rum or a fine whiskey. Whether I’m celebrating a milestone or enjoying a quiet evening, the Padron 1926 Series 40th Anniversary elevates the moment, offering a sophisticated escape and a remarkable experience.

Company Introduction

Plush Cigar is a company dedicated to evaluating cigars and humidifiers to help enthusiasts make informed choices. Our professional evaluators are passionate about providing expert opinions and thorough reviews. At Plush Cigar, we believe in delivering insights that enhance your cigar journey, making every selection just right for connoisseurs and newcomers alike.