La Flor Dominicana 1994 Cigar
The La Flor Dominicana 1994 measures 6 1/2 inches in length with a 52-ring gauge, offering an ideal size for a balanced and satisfying smoke.
These premium cigars come in elegant boxes of 10, ensuring each stick is preserved in pristine condition, ready to deliver an exquisite smoking experience.
Tobacco source and process
Made with expertly selected tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, the La Flor Dominicana 1994 is crafted through meticulous fermentation and aging processes, ensuring peak flavor and quality.
Flavor and aroma
Upon lighting up, you are greeted with rich notes of cocoa, leather, and a sprinkle of spice. The aroma is equally captivating, filling the space with a warm, inviting scent that enhances the entire experience.
What goes best with it
I find these cigars to be the perfect companion for a fine bourbon or a smooth espresso. Picture yourself in a cozy lounge or a quiet evening at home, savoring each draw with a glass of your favorite spirit, creating a moment of pure relaxation and enjoyment.
About Plush Cigar
Plush Cigar specializes in evaluating cigars and humidors to help aficionados make the best choices. Our team of professional evaluators brings you detailed reviews and expert advice. Trust us to guide you on your cigar journey with passion and precision.