Good Times Country Man Cigar
Experience the exceptional quality of Good Times Country Man Cigars. These handmade premium cigars are crafted with precision to deliver a rich, smooth, and satisfying smoking experience. Perfect for any occasion, they are a true delight for cigar aficionados. Enjoy the unparalleled taste and aroma today!
The Good Times Country Man Cigars are 6 inches in length with a diameter of 0.5 inches, equating to a 50 ring gauge.
These premium cigars come in an elegantly crafted wooden box that holds 20 cigars, keeping them fresh and ready for any occasion.
Tobacco Source and Process
Sourced from the finest tobacco plantations in Nicaragua, these cigars are handcrafted with care, using a meticulous aging process to ensure a rich and smooth smoking experience.
Flavor and Aroma
Each puff of the Good Times Country Man Cigars reveals a delightful blend of earthy, nutty, and subtly sweet flavors, with a captivating aroma that enhances the entire experience.
Pairing Recommendations
I love enjoying these cigars with a full-bodied bourbon or a dark espresso. Whether relaxing on the porch or engaging in deep conversation with friends, these cigars complement any moment, making it truly memorable.
Company Introduction
Plush Cigar is dedicated to helping cigar enthusiasts make informed decisions. Our team of professional evaluators meticulously review cigars and humidifiers to ensure you get the best products. With years of industry expertise, we at Plush Cigar provide trusted recommendations to enhance your cigar smoking experience.
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