Garcia y Vega 1882 Cigar

Experience premium cigar quality with Garcia y Vega 1882. These cigars are perfectly preserved using Boveda two-way humidity control, ensuring optimal freshness and flavor. Ideal for cigar aficionados seeking a smooth, enjoyable smoke.


The Garcia y Vega 1882 cigars boast a length of 5.5 inches, a diameter of 22 mm, and a ring size of 42. These specifications make for a perfectly balanced smoking experience.


Each cigar is carefully packaged with Boveda two-way humidity control packs, ensuring that every cigar maintains its peak freshness and flavor until the moment you light it.

Tobacco source and process

Sourced from prime tobacco-growing regions, the Garcia y Vega 1882 cigars undergo a meticulous aging process. This ensures a consistently rich and smooth smoke, highlighting the craftsmanship in every puff.

Flavor and aroma

Indulge in the rich, earthy flavors with subtle hints of sweetness and spice. The aroma is intoxicating, enveloping you in a scent that’s both robust and inviting, perfect for cigar enthusiasts.

What goes best with it

I love pairing these cigars with a glass of aged whiskey or a cup of rich coffee. Whether I’m relaxing on a quiet evening by the fireplace or enjoying a sunny afternoon on the patio, the Garcia y Vega 1882 enhances every moment with its smooth, satisfying smoke.

About Plush Cigar

Plush Cigar, a company renowned for its expertise in evaluating cigars and cigar humidifiers, helps enthusiasts make informed choices. With professional evaluators and comprehensive reviews, Plush Cigar ensures every smoker finds their perfect match.