Fighting Cock Cigar

Original price was: $88.80.Current price is: $39.99.

The Fighting Cock cigar, by Espinosa Cigars, offers a premium smoking experience. Hand-rolled to perfection, these cigars deliver a smooth, rich flavor. Ideal for connoisseurs looking for quality and craftsmanship. Available now for purchase.


The Fighting Cock cigar measures 6×52 inches with a robust ring size that promises a satisfying smoke.


Elegantly presented in a stylish box, each Fighting Cock cigar is meticulously arranged to ensure freshness and quality.

Tobacco Source and Process

Crafted from the finest tobacco leaves sourced from renowned plantations, the Fighting Cock cigar undergoes a precise hand-rolling process to deliver an exceptional experience.

Flavor and Aroma

Experience a delightful blend of rich, smooth flavors with subtle notes of spice and a refreshing aroma. Each puff reveals the mastery of Espinosa’s blending expertise.

What Goes Best with It

I often enjoy the Fighting Cock cigar with a glass of aged bourbon by the fireside, perfectly complementing its robust flavor. Its smooth finish also pairs exquisitely with a dark chocolate dessert, making indulging in this cigar an experience to savor.

About Plush Cigar

At Plush Cigar, we pride ourselves on providing expert evaluations of cigars and humidifiers. Our professional evaluators dedicate themselves to helping enthusiasts make informed choices. From cigars like the Fighting Cock to the best in humidification, Plush Cigar is your trusted guide to premium smoking experiences.