Davidoff Royal Cigar
Shapes: Robusto,Salomon
Wrapper: Dominican
Origin: Dominican Republic
Flavored: False
Pressed: False
Has Tip: False
Sweet: False
Brand: Davidoff Cigars
Davidoff Royal cigars are meticulously crafted with precise specifications. They feature a length of 5.75 inches, a diameter of 52, and a ring size of 52, providing a perfect balance for an exceptional smoking experience.
Each Davidoff Royal cigar comes beautifully packaged in an elegant box, enhancing its luxury appeal. The packaging ensures the cigars are kept fresh and in pristine condition, making it an ideal gift or personal indulgence.
Tobacco Source and Process
Handcrafted from the finest tobacco sourced from the Dominican Republic, Davidoff Royal undergoes a meticulous aging process. This handcrafted process ensures a cigar of unparalleled quality and refinement.
Flavor and Aroma
Experience the rich and complex flavors of Davidoff Royal cigars. Each draw reveals a harmonious blend of woody, spicy, and creamy notes, accompanied by a luxurious aroma that delights the senses from start to finish.
What Goes Best with It
I highly recommend pairing Davidoff Royal cigars with a glass of aged single malt Scotch or an exquisite espresso. The robust flavors of the cigar perfectly complement the rich, smooth notes of these beverages, creating an unforgettable experience. Imagine enjoying a relaxing evening in your favorite lounge, savoring every moment as the world fades away.
Plush Cigar Introduction
Plush Cigar is a renowned company specializing in evaluating cigars and cigar humidifiers, dedicated to helping enthusiasts make informed choices. Our professional evaluators meticulously review each product, providing detailed insights and recommendations. With Plush Cigar, you’re assured expert advice and quality, enhancing your cigar-smoking journey.