Davidoff Nicaragua Cigar

Shapes: Corona,Robusto,Salomon,Toro

Wrapper: Nicaraguan

Origin: Dominican Republic

Flavored: False

Pressed: Varies

Has Tip: False

Binder: Nicaraguan

Filler: Nicaraguan

Sweet: False

Brand: Davidoff Cigars


Davidoff Nicaragua cigars come with a length of 5.5 inches and a diameter of 22 mm, boasting a ring gauge of 55, perfect for a balanced and enjoyable smoke.


These cigars are elegantly packaged in a stylish wooden box, making them ideal for gifting and ensuring they remain fresh and protected.

Tobacco Source and Process

Crafted with the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, these cigars undergo a meticulous aging and fermentation process to develop their rich, complex flavors.

Flavor and Aroma

With notes of dark chocolate, roasted coffee, and a hint of spice, Davidoff Nicaragua cigars deliver a smooth and full-bodied flavor, complemented by an aromatic, earthy aroma.

What Goes Best With It

I love enjoying my Davidoff Nicaragua cigars with a glass of aged rum or a robust espresso. Whether relaxing in my backyard or celebrating a special occasion with friends, these cigars provide the perfect finishing touch to any moment.

Company Introduction

Plush Cigar is dedicated to helping cigar enthusiasts make informed decisions by providing expert reviews on cigars and humidifiers. Our professional evaluators bring years of experience and passion to offer the best recommendations for your cigar journey.