Davidoff Colorado Claro Cigar
Shapes: Churchill,Perfecto,Robusto,Toro,Torpedo
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Origin: Dominican Republic
Flavored: False
Pressed: False
Has Tip: False
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Sweet: False
Brand: Davidoff Cigars
The Davidoff Colorado Claro measures 5.5 inches in length with a diameter of 50-ring gauge, providing a perfect draw and balanced smoke.
Each cigar is meticulously packed in a sleek, red box designed to maintain freshness and quality. The packaging itself exudes luxury and class.
Tobacco source and process
Sourced from the finest tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff Colorado Claro cigars go through a meticulous aging process, ensuring a perfect blend.
Flavor and aroma
Indulge in the rich, complex flavors of cedar, leather, and a hint of spice with an underlying sweetness. The aroma is captivating, making every puff a delight.
What goes best with it
I love pairing the Davidoff Colorado Claro with a glass of aged single malt whisky. The smoky notes of the whisky enhance the cigar’s complex flavors, making it perfect for a relaxing evening.
Plush Cigar
At Plush Cigar, we specialize in evaluating cigars and cigar humidifiers to help enthusiasts make informed choices. Our professional evaluators possess years of experience, ensuring that you get honest and precise reviews. Plush Cigar is here to guide you on your journey to finding the perfect smoke.