Davidoff Aniversario Series Cigar
Shapes: Churchill,Corona,Perfecto,Robusto,Toro,Torpedo
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Origin: Dominican Republic
Flavored: False
Pressed: False
Has Tip: False
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Sweet: False
Brand: Davidoff Cigars
The Davidoff Aniversario Series cigars feature a length of 6 inches and a diameter of 50 ring gauge, making them a substantial and enjoyable smoke.
These premium cigars come in a beautifully crafted wooden box, protecting their quality and enhancing their luxurious appeal. The box is perfect for displaying and gifting.
Tobacco source and process
Meticulously handcrafted using the finest tobacco leaves sourced from the Dominican Republic, the Davidoff Aniversario Series cigars undergo a rigorous and precise aging process to achieve their outstanding quality.
Flavor and aroma
Indulge in the rich, creamy flavors of nougat and almond interspersed with subtle hints of wood and spice. The aroma is captivating, promising an unparalleled smoking experience.
What goes best with it
Enjoying these cigars with a glass of aged whiskey or a strong espresso heightens the experience. Whether at a cozy evening gathering or a celebratory event, the combination is divine and sophisticated.
About Plush Cigar
At Plush Cigar, we pride ourselves on offering in-depth evaluations of cigars and cigar humidifiers to help enthusiasts select the best products. Our team of professional evaluators is dedicated to providing expert advice based on rigorous testing and analysis. We ensure that every cigar we review meets high standards of quality and satisfaction, ensuring you make the right choice for your smoking pleasure.