Curivari Gloria de Leon Cigar
The Curivari Gloria de Leon cigars measure 5 inches in length, have a ring gauge of 50, and feature a robust diameter that ensures a rich smoking experience.
Each box of Curivari Gloria de Leon contains 20 impeccably crafted cigars, beautifully arranged in a cedar-lined box to maintain their freshness and enhance aging.
Tobacco source and process
Handmade with the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, these cigars are crafted using traditional Cuban methods, ensuring top-notch quality and consistency.
Flavor and aroma
Experience the rich, full-bodied flavor with notes of earth, spice, and a hint of sweetness. The aroma is equally captivating, offering a complex and pleasurable scent with every draw.
What goes best with it
I find that pairing the Curivari Gloria de Leon with a glass of aged whiskey or a cup of espresso elevates the experience. Sitting on my patio, enjoying the evening breeze, each puff is a moment of pure indulgence.
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