Cohiba Nicaragua Cigars
Original price was: $144.60.$115.99Current price is: $115.99.
Shapes: Cigarillos,Gordo,Robusto
Wrapper: Habano Oscuro, Honduran, Oscuro
Origin: Nicaragua
Flavored: Varies
Pressed: Varies
Has Tip: False
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Sweet: Varies
Brand: Cohiba Cigars
Cohiba Nicaragua Cigars boast a length of 6 inches, a diameter of 0.52 inches, and a ring size of 52, ensuring a substantial and satisfying smoke.
These exquisite cigars come in a beautifully designed box, with each cigar expertly placed to maintain freshness and quality. Perfect for gifting or personal indulgence.
Tobacco source and process
Crafted from the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, these cigars undergo a meticulous aging process, resulting in an unmatched richness and consistency that true cigar lovers will appreciate.
Flavor and aroma
Expect a bold yet balanced flavor profile with notes of cedar, cocoa, and a hint of spice, complemented by a pleasing aroma that enhances the entire smoking experience.
What goes best with it
I find that enjoying Cohiba Nicaragua Cigars with a rich espresso or a glass of aged whiskey creates the perfect pairing. The robust flavors of the cigar blend seamlessly with these beverages, making for a truly luxurious and relaxing moment.
Company Introduction
Plush Cigar is dedicated to helping cigar enthusiasts make informed choices about cigars and cigar accessories. With a team of professional evaluators, their reviews and recommendations are highly trusted in the cigar community. Explore their site for expert insights and detailed evaluations that guide you to the finest tobacco products available.