Types of Cigars Flavors & Cigar Flavors Chart & Colors 2024

Cigars have a lot of flavors; here are some common flavors:

  • Earthy and spicy
  • pleasant tones
  • Citrusy Floral Nutty
  • Sweet
  • Rich in chocolate
  • Peppery Coffee

The color of a cigar’s wrapper are this:

  • Claro (Light Green);
  • Candela (Bright Green)
  • Claro (Light Tan)
  • Natural (Brown)
  • Maduro (Dark Brown)
  • Oscuro (Black)

Have you ever considered Cigar taste and notes? How are these flavors manufactured and preserved? Well, if not, we will do this for sure today in this article. I have 20 years of experience and know every key element and basic about cigars.

Like wine tasting numerous wines, cigar tasting is also a great skill, and I master it. Whether it’s scotch, fruit, chocolate, coffee, or another flavor, the cigar match can enhance your enjoyment of the lovely aroma. Some people might rather like smoking alone and becoming completely lost in the taste of the smoke.

This article is intended to improve your tasting experience, regardless of your level of knowledge about cigars. Explore our in-depth tutorial on cigar-tasting notes to realize the full potential of your expedition. Hope it will help you get desired experience. Savour all the flavors that smoking a cigar offers; you might even learn something about yourself in the process. If you’ve never tasted a cigar before, you might need to try a few different kinds before settling on your favorite flavors.

So, let’s get started;

Cigar flavors chart

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Acid cigar flavor chart

acid cigar flavor chart

Click here to download the CIGAR Flavors PDF.

Types of cigar flavors profile

Given that tobacco leaves are used to produce cigars, it is reasonable that they would have a unique flavor. Today’s market is flooded with cigars of all shapes and sizes, each featuring a distinctive tobacco blend.

It will be easier to choose a cigar that pleases your palate if you are aware of the flavor profiles of the many cigar kinds and how they vary from one another. Among the strong flavors on the flavor wheel that you might detect in your cigar are the following:

  • Earthy and spicy
  • pleasant tones
  • Citrusy Floral Nutty
  • Sweet
  • Rich in chocolate
  • Peppery Coffee

A good cigar should be complex, with multiple flavors instead of just one overpowering sweetness, as in some cigars. It’s all a matter of taste, so experiment with a few different cigars to find your favorite flavor profile.

Analyze the looks of your Cigar

Consider a cigar’s color and texture, and look before indulging in its alluring scents and mouthwatering flavors. Consider several factors when conducting this assessment. In addition, smokers can use tools such as the “cigar flavor wheel” to help them comprehend the subtle differences in flavor between each cigar.

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Color of the Wrapper

The color of a cigar’s wrapper can significantly impact its flavor and overall smoking experience. Here are the primary colors and their general characteristics:

  • Claro (Light Green): This wrapper is light and typically has a mild flavor, often associated with Connecticut Shade wrappers.
  • Candela (Bright Green): Known for its unique green color, it offers a slightly grassy and sweet flavor.
  • Claro (Light Tan): These cigars have a mild flavor and are often smooth and creamy.
  • Natural (Brown): Also known as Colorado, these wrappers provide a balanced flavor, offering both sweetness and spice.
  • Maduro (Dark Brown): These wrappers are darker and tend to be sweeter and richer, often with notes of chocolate and coffee.
  • Oscuro (Black): The darkest wrapper, often providing the richest and boldest flavors with deep, complex notes.
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cigar flavor

The best cigars have wrappers that complement the nation of origin, such as Honduran maduros.(What is a Maduro Cigar) Natural or sun-dried leaves are also recommended substitutes. Every type of cigar wrapper adds unique scent notes and flavors that combine to create a beautiful aroma.

Unique flavors of the colors

The term “filler tobacco” describes the baking spices that are applied to a cigar’s leaves. Several nations, including the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico, and Nicaragua, are notable sources of these fillers. Some nations are well known for their distinctively earthy, peppery, or even sweet spice flavors, while others are best known for their distinctively nutty spice flavors. Finding the nation of origin of premium cigars can be made much easier using a cigar flavor wheel.

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cigar flavor

Filler tobacco usually appears in light brown or dark brown colors in varied degrees. However, other producers of luxury cigars use blond tobacco instead, giving their products a unique flavor profile and visual appeal.

What are different cigar flavors?

Cigar flavors are almost universally recognized; among the most well-liked varieties are earth-based coffee, peppery spice, cocoa, white pepper, licorice, and leather. The more cigars you smoke, the more you value their variety of flavors.

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cigar flavor

Depending on the type of tobacco, the flavors range from somewhat sour to milky to spicy flowery. Longer fermentation produces darker colors and a richer, sweeter flavor in Maduro and other cigars blended into one cigar. Inspired by Infused Tobacco, Acid Cigars offer a variety of flavors. The many flavors from the Acid Blend are primarily infused, contributing to a unique and enticing flavor profile.

There is a vast diversity of sweet and potent cigar flavors to discover, all of which are inspired by the tobacco flavor wheel. Permit me to summarize this succinct and useful chart of cigar flavors:

  • Natural Essence: Aromas of Earth and Leather
  • Nuts and Spices: Cashews, Almonds, and Chestnuts
  • Espresso, Creamy Coffee, and Black Coffee Sensations
  • Spicy Flavors: Typically present in full-bodied smokes, black pepper, red pepper, and cayenne
  • Delicious Treats: cocoa, dark chocolate, and molasses, typically found in flavored tobacco products.
  • Tones of Wood and Vegetation: Cedar, Hickory, Oak, and Tea

What affects the flavors of the cigars?

Many elements, including the soil and growth conditions during production, as well as the procedures of harvesting, fermenting, blending, or aging, affect the distinct flavors of tobacco. The features of the ash reveal something about the quality of the cigar-smoking experience. White ash denotes soil high in magnesium, whereas dark ashes may indicate iron-rich soils.

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cigar flavor

Notice the flavor Levels

When it comes to smoking cigars, the flavor could be used to characterize the unique flavor of the smoke. A cigar’s flavor can be classified into distinct flavors and intensities of various tastes. Cigars taste full, moderate, medium, and light, similar to body features.

Dry Draw your Cigar

Take a few practice puffs without touching your lips or palate before lighting your cigar. Often referred to as a “dry draw” or “dry pull,” this technique gives a sense of the smoke’s approaching taste buds. Additionally, the natural taste of the air you feel during the dry draw primes your palate to recognize the variety of flavor notes and aromas that the smoke will provide. (can you smoke a dry cigar)

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cigar flavor

Taking in as much air as possible via the cigar is advised. Start the dry draw slowly and build it up until it feels like you’re sucking on air through an empty straw. When conducting a dry draw on any new cigar, try to detect traces of distinct flavors, such as spicy notes like tastes like:

  • Earthy tones, a hallmark of cigars from Cuba
  • Sweetness, a sign of Nicaraguan or Honduran tobacco
  • Creaminess, characteristic of tobacco from Ecuador
  • Bitter notes are commonly derived from wrapper leaves in Cameroon or Africa.

Light Cigar and Toast the Foot

After you have painstakingly prepared your cigar, it’s time to light it and begin indulging in a masterpiece of fine craftsmanship. Toasting the foot of your cigar is the first step towards improving your cigar smoking experience. To achieve this, hold it in one hand and slowly heat the end with a lighter until the color becomes somewhat darker.

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cigar flavor

Thanks to this technique, the tobacco leaves are better prepared and more open to burning evenly for the duration of the cigar. It’s time to fire your cigar after the foot and wrapper have been toasty enough.

The best method for lighting a cigar is to use a match to fire the end of a cedar wood strip and use the resulting flame. The wood helps prevent the tobacco’s flavor from being tainted by butane or sulfur. Tobacco is carefully grown in this ideal mixture of rich soil and pleasant weather to produce the perfect flavor for high-end handcrafted cigars.

If necessary, you can use a match to light your cigar. A torch lighter works best to maintain the flavor profile and evenly light the end if you must use a lighter.

Notice the smell and taste of your cigar

Evaluating a cigar’s flavor and quality is called cigar tasting. After lighting your cigar and letting the smoke escape your lips, observe the first few puffs to identify the cigar’s flavor.

As you smoke the cigar, pay attention to how the flavor profiles, scents, intensity, and length of time it takes to reach its peak are all correctly evolving. Don’t puff too much to avoid scorching the tobacco and destroying the cigar’s flavor. To further encourage a uniform burn, make sure the pull is smooth.

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Get the full flavor Experience of your Cigar

  • Cigar tasting is a complex experience that involves more than just flavor. Most cigars have a rich flavor profile that can only be fully appreciated by focusing on their appearance and scent. To help cigar smokers enjoy a variety of blends, Cigar Advisor has invested time and effort into creating a cigar flavor wheel. The retroheal will help detect strong tobacco products.
  • As you start smoking, note the first cigar flavours that appeal to you. Watch how the cigar’s flavour profile changes as you move towards the middle and finish.

How to taste a cigar

Tasting a cigar is a relatively straightforward process, but it’s important to follow these key steps to fully experience its flavors:

  1. Light the Cigar: Use a special cigar lighter or a wooden match to slowly light the end of the cigar, ensuring an even burn.
  2. Gently Inhale: Place the cigar in your mouth and gently draw in the smoke. It’s unnecessary to inhale deeply or into the lungs; just let the smoke linger in your mouth.
  3. Savor the Aroma: Swirl the smoke gently in your mouth, paying attention to the cigar’s flavors. Your sense of smell plays a crucial role here, as a cigar’s complex flavors are largely derived from its aroma.
  4. Exhale the Smoke: After savoring for a moment, slowly exhale the smoke.
  5. Repeat the Process: Slowly repeat the process of inhaling and exhaling, taking the time to experience the different layers of flavor in the cigar each time.

If you are a beginner, you need this: how to smoke a cigar.

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cigar flavor

When tasting a cigar, the sense of smell is more important than the sense of taste.

The Principle: As the smoke lingers in the mouth, its aroma is conveyed to the olfactory receptors through the back of the nasal passage. These receptors send signals to the brain, interpreting them as complex flavors and aromas. Thus, even as the smoke is exhaled, the sense of smell continues to evaluate and experience the unique flavors of the cigar.

The sense of taste is limited to five basic flavors: salty, sweet, bitter, sour, and fresh (presenting). In contrast, more complex flavor experiences derive from aromas captured by the olfactory system. Experimenting with different flavors of fruit candies confirms this. If you try these candies with your nose covered, you may find it impossible to tell the difference. They may all have a basic sweet flavor with a tart undertone.

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cigar flavor

How to get cigar taste out of your mouth

After my experiments, I found that the fastest way to remove the taste of cigars from your mouth is to brush your teeth, floss, and use a tongue scraper.

Other ways to get the taste of cigars out of your mouth are using mouthwash, drinking hot beverages, eating citrus fruits, chewing gum or mints, eating apples or raw carrots, and drinking water.

Best tasting cigar for beginners

There are many best-tasting cigars for cigar beginners, and I recommend Romeo y Julieta and Davidoff Yamasa Robusto.

The bottom line

Cigars come in many different flavors, and we find the right flavor by tasting different cigars.

So don’t hesitate to taste more cigar flavors!

If you want to buy cigars and get a discount, click below.


Cigars come in many flavors, the most common being spicy, sweet, earthy or nutty.

My favorite cigar is the Plasencia Ehtefal World Cup Cigar 2022 FIFA. For everyone, the favorite cigar is different.

For newbies, smoking cigars may feel like a headache, dizziness, and nausea. For a mature smoker, smoking a cigar can feel buzzing and enjoyable.

Yes, cigars can make you feel euphoric. This is because cigars contain nicotine, and nicotine makes you high. Maybe you want to read Do Cigars Give You a Buzz.

Cigar flavors are classified into 3 levels, light, medium and full, which can also be referred to as mild, medium or strong.

Plush Cigar