Flor de las Antillas Toro – Complete Review

At Flor de las Antillas Toro Cigar’s 91st anniversary celebration on March 16, 2012, My Father debuted their newest product, Flor de las Antillas, for the first time. Not much was known about the release then, but since then, additional information has been available. Right now, we know that the Flor de las Antillas puro line is from Nicaragua and takes its name from Cuba, commonly called the “flower of the Antilles.”

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flor de las antillas toro1

The Antilles Islands, which comprise Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico and are a component of the West Indies situated in the Caribbean Sea, are referred to by this name.

I am going to review this marvelous blend of beauty today in this article.

Let’s get started with complete specifications details:

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1. Specifications

Cigar Reviewed: My Father Flor de las Antillas Toro

Country of Origin: Nicaragua

Origin: Nicaragua

Smoking time: about 75 minutes

Packaging: single, pack of three, a box of twenty;

Price: $7.5 per stick, $24.55 per pack, $156.60 per box.

Factory: My Father Cigars S.A.

Binder: Nicaragua

Filler: Nicaragua

Wrapper: Sun Grown Nicaraguan

Blinder: Nicaraguan

Filler: Nicaraguan

Size: 6×52

Vitola: Toro

Wrapper Color: Colorado

Construction: Even, Inconsistent between different cigars

Handmade: Yes.

Length: 6 1/2 Inches

Ring Gauge: 52

Vitola: Toro

Strength: Medium-Full

Body: Medium-Full

Aroma: Graham cracker with a subtle sweetness

Initial taste: Wood, Honey

First third: Light cedar, Nuts, Honey, Toasty finish

Second third: Earth, Nuts, Brown sugar sweetness, Lemon zest, Toast

Final third: Earth, Nuts, Brown sugar sweetness, lemon zest.

MSRP: Undisclosed

Release Date: March 16, 2012

Number of Cigars Released: Regular Production

Number of Cigars Smoked For Review: 2

Rating: 4.0

Awards and Ranking: Cigar Aficionado’s Cigar of 2012

Draw: Ideal

Burn: Cool

Smoke: Rich, Smooth

Ash: Silvery white, A little flaky.

2. Appearance

The reddish-brown, oily wrapper of Flor de las Antillas, manufactured of tobacco from Nicaragua, is how it is identified. Colorado, or EMS (English Market Selection), is the wrapper colour. These are soft box pressed Flor de las Antillas Toro cigars renowned for their burgundy footband and stunning decorative band.

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flor de las antillas toro2

My Father Flor de las Antillas is a visually appealing stick with a rounded box press and a rough, dry, cinnamon-brown wrapper. The wrapper smells strongly of leather, coca, espresso, and barnyard, and it feels nearly parchment-like. When squeezed, it is rather spongy but well within normal bounds. Notably, the cap appears to have been attached hurriedly.

3. Which Foods and Drinks Go Well with the Antillas Flora

It should be noted that virtually all Flor de las Antillas Toro cigars, including this one, pair well with coffee. Beers such as Guinness are a good alternative when it comes to alcohol.

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flor de las antillas toro3

4. Smell & Taste

Before lighting, the Flor de las Antillas has a faintly sweet graham cracker scent. We removed around 2/8 of an inch from the Flor de las Antillas Toro cigar’s head. It is best to draw before lighting.

a. First Third

After lighting the Flor de las Antillas Toro cigar, the first draw tastes mostly cedar without bitter undertones. Compared to other My Father’s Flor de las Antillas Toro cigars, this one has a milder flavour. You detect a lot of creaminess and spice on the retrohale. With flavours of dark wood, nuts, and honey, the first third of the wine becomes predominantly cedar-flavored. The toast finish is noticeable. The retrohale has many sweet notes mixed in with a peppery flavour. Towards the end of the first third, the peppery kick becomes less strong.

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flor de las antillas toro4

This means There’s a good deal of leather, espresso, and generic wood in the opening portion of My Father Flor de las Antillas. There’s a hint of spice and black pepper in the first few puffs, but it gradually fades to a faint undertone.

At first, the draw is a little loose, but it tightens well towards the end of the third. There is some wavering in the burn, but nothing too bad. Strength does not appear to become any stronger as it finishes the first third at a fairly moderate medium.

b. Second third

The flavour shifts in the second third. Here, the ingredients are gentle, earthy flavours, nuts, brown sugar sweetness, and a hint of lemon zest. Although not as spicy as in the first third, spices are present on the retrohale. Certain Flor de las Antillas Toro cigars have problems with smoke while smoking. The Flor de las Antillas Toro cigar gets harder to remove the smoke from. Relighting the Flor de las Antillas Toro cigar helps to alleviate this issue.

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flor de las antillas toro5

In the second third, the primary notes of wood and leather persist; the profile introduces a pleasant hint of sweetness. Sadly, the note is not strong enough to affect the flavour significantly as a whole.

As expected, the draw gets tighter, the burn is good, and the intensity is a constant medium—I doubt it will get much higher. The pepper is hardly detectable on the retrohale. The finish is smooth and pleasant to the touch.

c. Final third

Flavours and fragrances do not vary from the second to the last third. The same notes of spice and wood. This isn’t a bad or boring consistency. This is a nice Flor de las Antillas Toro cigar because of its well-balanced cigar profile. It took an hour and a quarter to complete the smoking process.

The final third of Flor de las Antillas remains completely unchanged, retaining its primary flavours, overall sweetness, structure, and power. There isn’t much more to say about it, as it is a second, third copy.

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flor de las antillas toro6

5. Availability in market

The Flor de las Antillas Toro cigars are available in 5-pack, boxes of 20, and single sticks.

6. For this review and tasting procedure, cigars were smoked

We smoked nine Flor de las Antillas, Toro, and 6×52 cigars for this review. For three days, each of us smoked three cigars. One Flor de las Antillas Toro cigar, you know, every day. To avoid influencing the flavours during the test, we matched the Flor de las Antillas Toro cigar with water.

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flor de las antillas toro7

Of the nine cigars, two had trouble burning. For this reason, our team required a third round of this mix to render a verdict on the building of Flor de las Antillas.

7. Ash

The ash is holding to about one inch, silvery white. There is some flaky ash.

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flor de las antillas toro8

8. Burn

The burn was uneven and wavy on several of the cigars we smoked, but it straightened up as we smoked. The cigars’ construction contains a few irregularities. Certain ones burn out more quickly than others. The burn gets hotter in the second third.

9. Smoke

The smoke has a smooth, creamy flavour. Certain cigars are difficult to draw smoke out of. This is once more a result of the cigar’s restriction.

10. Last Words

This is another excellent cigar from My Father’s collection that you will be eager to fire up. It has a band that is truly excellent art, straight out of an art gallery.


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