Davidoff Yamasa Robusto Review 2024
This is a review of Davidoff Yamasa Robusto Cigar.
I am a cigar enthusiast with 20 years of experience and have researched various cigar varieties. Now, I’ve delved into the Davidoff Yamasa Robusto to help you determine if it’s the best Davidoff cigar for you.
For this review, we smoked nine Davidoff Yamasa Robusto, and 5×50 cigars. We all smoked one cigar a day and drank water with it to avoid contaminating our palates and influencing the flavour of the cigar.
So let’s get started.
Related: top bargain cigars of the year
Davidoff unveiled the Davidoff Yamasa Robusto line, the newest addition to their ‘Discovery Pillar,’ ahead of the 2016 IPCPR Trade Show. The black label cigars bearing the Davidoff brand are symbolized by the Discovery Pillar. Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard, the CEO of Davidoff, implemented an innovation-focused approach when he joined the company in 2011. The Discovery Pillar symbolized a few innovations due to the innovation strategy.
Ahead of the IPCPR Trade Show this year, the third iteration of Davidoff’s Discovery Pillar, dubbed the Black Label line due to its band color, was introduced with the release of the Davidoff Yamasa. The Davidoff Yamasa Robusto blend uses tobacco from the Dominican Republic’s Yamasa region. In this area of the Dominican Republic, Davidoff grows and cultivates its exclusive tobacco.
It’s also a place that wasn’t well-known for producing cigar tobacco until Davidoff decided to put money into it. Although this tobacco has appeared in several past Davidoff offerings, the Davidoff Yamasa Robusto is a blend centered on tobaccos sourced from this area. Although we have already examined this in the Piramides size, we now examine the Davidoff Yamasa Robusto in the Robusto size.
1. Specifications
Origin: The Dominican Republic;
Smoking time: around 100 minutes;
Packaging: single, pack of four, box of twelve;
Wrapper: Dominican;
Blinder: Dominican;
Filler: Piloto visus, San Vicente Mejorado seco, San Vicente Mejorado visus, Condega seco, Estelí seco from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua;
Size: 5×50;
Vitola: Robusto;
Wrapper Color: Colorado Maduro;
Construction: Dense, Even;
Handmade: Yes.
Strength: Medium-Full;
Body: Medium-Full;
Aroma: Scpices, Chocolate;
Initial taste: Spices, Earth;
First third: Spice, Orange, Earth, Cedar, and Pepper;
Second third: Wood, Leather, Nuts, Black pepper, and grass;
Final third: Coffee, Cedar, Pepper, Sweetness.
Rating: 4.6;
Awards and Ranking: Cigar’s Aficionado’s rating is 88 points in the February 2022 issue.
Draw: Ideal, A little resistance;
Burn: Cool, Consistent;
Smoke: Rich, Oily;
Ash: Silver, White
a. Davidoff yamasa robusto price
$19.20 per stick, $76.80 per pack, $230.40 per box.
2. Origin and Production
The origin of some of the tobacco used in Davidoff Yamasa Robusto relates to the brand’s innovation theme. A territory in the Dominican Republic is referred known as Yamasa. Many have attempted, but failed, to produce tobacco in this area. But Master Blender Henke Kelner pursued this endeavour after realizing this region had potential. This required modifying the soil’s chemical composition. Most notably, the soil’s acidity decreased from 5.5 to 6.5.
This was achieved by manually applying calcium carbonate, agricultural lime, and slaked lime/dolomitic lime to every tobacco plant monthly before transplanting. These applications were done every two months.
Three of the thirty seeds in the group were chosen to sprout. The tobacco was planted under shade to shield it from the sun’s damaging rays. For this tobacco, new climate-controlled curing procedures were also built.
For Davidoff, tobacco from the Yamasa region is nothing new and has been featured on several Davidoff CDs. A summary of some of the high-end releases Davidoff has seen in recent years is shown below. Even though most of these are limited editions, Puro d’Oro, formerly produced regularly but recently discontinued, has a Yamasa wrapper. One may argue that the Davidoff Yamasa Robusto case represents the first instance of a brand developed around tobacco.
Davidoff Yamasa Robusto traditional size is 5 x 50. The mix uses tobacco from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, a wrapper, and a binder from the Yamasa area. Four count packs and twelve count boxes of Davidoff Yamasa Robustos are available.
3. Name Origin
The blend’s name comes from the cigar’s usage of wrapper and binder tobacco from the Yamasa region of the Dominican Republic. Master Blender Henke Kelner and his team of agricultural professionals turned this uninhabitable swampland into a lucrative tobacco-growing field by providing the ideal growing temperature and mineral-rich soil.
This ground-breaking mixture also contains aged Nicaraguan long-filler leaves from Condega and Estel, two of the best-growing districts in the nation. Rich and robust is the blend Davidoff Yamasa robusto. Because of its profile, it’s ideal for seasoned enthusiasts or after a large meal.
3. Appearance
As one would expect from a Davidoff creation, its shade-grown Yamasa wrapper is virtually flawless, with very tight seams and a nice oily patina. The cigar feels solid in the hand with no soft spots or divots detected, and it looks much fatter than its 6 x 52 size.
Single, 12-pack, pack-sized boxes and packs of Davidoff Yamasa cigars are available. In tubos, packs of four and boxes of twelve are available.
The chic black and scarlet Yamasa labels on the Davidoff cigar help you identify its elegance. This cigar belongs to Davidoff’s Black Pillar series, which features creative blends with daring and robust flavour profiles, as the black label indicates. Some veins are evident on the wrapping. Two of the nine cigars we bought for this review had some inconsistent wrapper colour.
4. Ash Burn and Smoke
The ash is a pleasing white colour and sturdy texture. This cigar has excellent structure. It burns well and doesn’t require relighting. The burn is cool in and of itself. The smoke output of this cigar is just right. It’s an oily, heavy smoke.
Davidoff recommends spicy rum as a suitable pairing with the intense flavor profile of Davidoff Yamasa robusto. A smooth single malt whisky also pairs well.
5. Scent and Flavour
I discovered that the Davidoff Yamasa Robusto kept its oaky flavour through smoking. Furthermore, certain defining notes of lemon and chocolate were less noticeable in the song’s second part. However, early on, there were faint hints of straw and wood.
The lemon and chocolate faded, but the cedar grew. This flavour profile peaked late in the second third, as the cedar took centre stage and a caramelized sweetness surfaced. The flavours remained medium-bodied and counterbalanced by medium intensity throughout the smoking session. It was a great burn. The sketch was open Though it was a bit looser than I liked.
6. Pre-Light Draw, Scent, and Flavour
Here, we’re experimenting with the preparation of cigars. Oliver, the most seasoned member of our group, used our brand-new Les Fines Lame Cigar Knife Padauk to make a clean cut. Oliver made a very accurate 2/8-inch cut.
The flavour profile of the draw before lighting is earthy and peppery. It’s the perfect draw. The tiny resistance is palpable. The cigar has a woodsy scent with hints of sweetness.
a. Initial Third
You can taste the notes of black blend and red pepper right away. As the flavour develops, earthy flavours, oranges, and spices come together. There’s some pepper and cedar on the retake.
b. The Second Third
The flavour in the body third is a combination of almonds, leather, and wood. Whereas Oliver detects hazelnuts, Adelina and Milan’s connoisseur team members detect cashew overtones. There is some spice, but it’s in the shape of softer, more delicate flavours. The retrohale has notes of grass and black pepper.
c. Last Third
The cedar notes take the front stage in the last part of the flavour. Adelina says there’s coffee; it’s a sweet latte. Pepper is also included to balance the flavour profile. You taste flavours of sweetness and pepper on the retrohale.
The bottom line
The Robusto offered the Davidoff Yamasa robusto as a fantastic alternative to the Piramides. It’s not your usual blend with a strong Dominican influence. This cigar is expensive because it costs close to $20, but it is well worth the money. For those looking for a rich flavour profile along with the smoothness that has made Davidoff cigars famous, the Yamasa mix is perfect. This intricate artwork took twenty years of effort to complete. You can now savour this delicious cigar that is expertly constructed.
I would suggest this cigar to both novice and seasoned tobacco lovers. I think this is worth buying in a box.
Well, enjoy this Davidoff Yamasa robusto and share your reviews with us.
What is the rating of Davidoff Yamasa?
4.6 of 5.
Is Davidoff worth the price?
Determining whether Davidoff cigars are worth the price depends on several factors, including personal taste, experience with cigars, and what you value in a cigar. Davidoff is known for its high-quality, luxury cigars and is considered a prestigious brand in the cigar industry. Here are some points to consider: Quality, Brand Prestige and Heritage, and Flavor and Complexity.