Cohiba Red Dot Review: 2024 Good Cigar
This brand name alone proclaims the unquestionable dominance of Cuban cigars for over 50 years; yet, today I want to draw your attention to a stunning cigar from the Dominican Republic, the Cohiba Red Dot Robusto.
Having been in the cigar industry for 20 years, I can state with confidence that smokers genuinely appreciate Cohiba Cigars for their superior quality, whether they are Cuban or Dominican.
Many other cigar enthusiasts would also agree on it.
Today I am going to do a Cohiba Red Dot Review to make you aware of the best characteristics of this classic cigar.
1. Price & rating of Cohiba Red Dot
List Price: $537.25 (Box of 25)
Rating: 90/100
2. Specifications of Cohiba Red Dot
Wrapper Origin: Africa
Shape: Robusto
Length: 5
Ring: 49
Wrapper: Cameroon
Origin: Dominican Republic
Strength: Medium
3. Cigar review of Cohiba Red Dot
Red Dot of Cohiba Robusto is a double-capped cigar with a beautiful caramel-hued wrapper that encases an Indonesian Jember binder and Dominican Piloto Cubano filler.
I have to admit that there are no issues with construction.
Admirable are the open seams, little veins, and buttery gloss it projects. Its gritty texture is somehow pleasing to the touch.
4. Looks & feel of Cohiba Red Dot
The Cohiba Red Dot Corona was a gorgeous cigar with a lovely glossy shine and clear construction.
Though there were a few small flaws, such as noticeable veins that cast doubt on the burn’s quality, luckily, they did not turn out badly.
The cigar had the ideal feel to it. It was slightly spongy when squeezed, but it had exactly the proper amount of give, resistance, and bounce back.
Overall, it felt expertly constructed and well-balanced.
5. Ash & burn of Cohiba Red Dot
The cigar had an exceptionally smooth and sweet scent after the first light.
It’s difficult to think of a cigar that smells better than this one.
At first, the burn seemed a little uneven.
Nevertheless, it self-corrected shortly and stayed flawless for the rest of the smoke.
The burn was never a worry for me, which is exactly what I wanted.
As is always the case with Cohibas, the ash was excellent.
It could hold together for far longer than one inch at a time and has exceptional strength and uniformity.
6. Draw & Aroma
The Cohiba Red Dot Corona’s draw offered precisely the correct amount of resistance.
The draw was actually in harmony with the smoke’s flavour profile, matching its intensity for a suitably robust draw.
It was expertly built, as one should anticipate from a Cohiba.
The cigar had an exceptionally smooth and sweet scent after the first light. It’s difficult to think of a cigar that smells better than this one.
7. Flavors of Cohiba Red Dot
The bread and nutty flavours of the Cohiba Red Dot Corona were accompanied by subtle notes of pepper and spice.
These flavours were well, if not precisely, balanced by the exceptionally smooth smoke.
Although the cigar was great, there seemed to be a bit too much going on, in my opinion.
I evenly clipped its cap with my cigar cutter, and then the smells of espresso, leather, and white pepper shot into the air.
The aroma of milk and soil filled the pre-lit cigar. But it was too dim, too subtle to pick out clearly.
But I also get a pleasant, mild sweetness from the cold pull, which pleases my palate. I had to stop the tease and toast it gently to satisfy my need.
First Third
When the Cohiba Red Dot Robusto is first lit, a strong note of black pepper is immediately apparent.
This aroma then gradually fades and turns into a light, buttery, and sweet caramel. Amazingly, the pull is precisely perfect, giving a great mouthfeel.
My tongue began to tip slightly with smoothness before the first third was over.
I have to admit that this medium-bodied cigar kills the game right away.
The second third builds on the first, highlighting a velvety flavour with undertones of sweet honey, butterscotch, and crunchy nuts.
It is smooth and well-balanced. I would like to praise its richness and potency despite its mild strength.
My smoking experience is made even more exciting by the intriguing, high ash, which I’m curious to see how long it can last before falling off.
The final third then delivers a breathtaking, lengthy conclusion.
Final Third
There’s a hint of creaminess towards the end of the first third. I’m still waiting on the peanuts that burned. The issue, of course, is that it has been more than 50 years since I last tasted them.
The Cohiba Red Dot Robusto was meticulously crafted by the company’s artisans.
A good cigar needs to burn smoothly, and this one burned sharply right away, so I knew it would be a satisfying smoke.
Texture, aroma, and blend-wise, the Cohiba Red Dot Robusto is quite good.
The ideal ratio of oil to nicotine also made a lasting impression on me.
8. Final puff
All in all, its excellent build left little room for complaint. Even if it didn’t offer a lot of flavours, its strength is in its firm centre, which gives my palate the succulence it craves.
Sincere smokers will undoubtedly find that this cigar offers a constant smoking experience that they can’t get enough of.
Spending hard-earned money on something satisfying, like the Cohiba Red Dot Robusto, is right. Nevertheless, it was well worth its 90-point rating.
I get to experience a happiness I know I’d be craving constantly for just over an hour.
I’ve had great relationships with this magnificent, rustic-looking cigar that is wrapped in a Cameroon, and all I can say is, “Wow.”
You cherish every moment spent with something valuable to you, and the same is true with this elegant stick.
Sincerely, I liked its company so much that I would want to treat myself to a daily smoke of this excellent cigar.
Is Cohiba Red a good cigar?
Due to the markings on the band, this magnificent cigar is sometimes referred to as a “red dot” Cohibas. It has a medium-bodied flavour and a robust, smooth, and extraordinarily rich character.
How much nicotine is in a Cohiba red dot?
Cohiba red dot has 16.47mg nicotine.
Are Cohiba cigars good?
Cohiba Cigars are extraordinarily sophisticated to smoke even though they are magnificently rich in flavours and scents of coffee and chocolate. A Cohiba smoker considers it to be a moment to cherish.
What is the rating on Cohiba Red Dot Churchill?
Grown in Cameroon’s subtropical climate, the Cigar Aficionado 92-rated Cohiba “Red Dot” Churchill boasts a thick, dark wrapper.