12 Best Value Cigars for 2024: Don’t Miss Out
If you’re a cigar enthusiast, navigating the vast world of premium cigars to find the perfect balance of flavor, construction, and overall smoking experience can be a delightful but daunting task. Fear not, as our team of seasoned smoking aficionados has meticulously curated a list of the top 12 cigars for 2024. Drawing from years of collective experience and a myriad of cigars smoked in the past year, we subjected each contender to a rigorous blind test to ensure objectivity. Join us on a journey through the nuances of each cigar, carefully evaluated based on appearance, construction, wrapper quality, draw resistance, taste complexity, burning consistency, ash production, and aroma.
Testing Conditions
To maintain consistency and integrity, all cigars underwent a month of meticulous storage in our humidor, maintaining a relative humidity of 70% and a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Each cigar was then meticulously cut using the Colibri S-Cut Black & Black and lit with the Black Label Dominator Gun, a windproof lighter with flames that don’t compromise the cigar’s flavor.
Top 12 Value Cigars
- 1. Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo
- 2. Flor de las Antillas
- 3. Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro
- 4. Padrón 1926 Serie
- 5. Romeo y Julieta Añejados
- 6. La Aroma de Cuba
- 7. Davidoff Yamasá
- 8. Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Churchill
- 9. Davidoff Winston Churchill
- 10. Nat Sherman Sterling Selection
- 11. JC Newman The American
- 12. Ramon Allones Superiores LCD
1. Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo
Background: Released in 1994 to commemorate Padrón’s 30th anniversary, the 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo pays homage to Cuban tradition with its box-pressed design. Aged for four years, these cigars boast a Sun Grown Nicaraguan wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and filler.
- Ring gauge: 52
- Length: 6’’
- Strength: Medium-Full
- Body: Full
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Vitola: Torpedo
- Smoking time: 60 to 90 minutes
- Maduro version: $17.40 per stick.
- Natural version: $17.50 per stick.
Palate: Natural Version – Brazil nut, hazelnut, cocoa bean, hint of black pepper, woody finish. Maduro Version – Earth, coffee, wood, sweet, buttery notes of shortbread, sweet finish.
2. Flor de las Antillas
Background: Introduced in 2012, Flor de las Antillas earned a 96-point rating and Cigar Aficionado’s “#1 Desired Cigar of the Year.” Crafted by father-and-son duo Pepin and Jaime Garcia, these cigars feature an oily, reddish-brown Nicaraguan tobacco wrapper.
- Ring gauge: 50, 52, 56, and 60
- Length: 5, 5.5, 6, and 6.5”
- Strength: Medium-Full
- Body: Medium-Full
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Vitola: Belicoso, Robusto, Toro, Toro Gordo, Toro Grande, and Tubo
- Smoking time: About 75 minutes
- From $7.70 for a single stick.
Palate: Savory, leathery profile with sweet marzipan notes, white chocolate, and a toasty finish.
3. Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro
Background: The Aging Room series, introduced in 2011, encompasses various cigars. The standout, Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro, produced by A.J. Fernandez in Nicaragua, was Cigar Aficionado’s 2019 Cigar of the Year.
- Ring gauge: 52
- Length: 6”
- Strength: Medium-Full
- Body: Medium-Full
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Vitola: Torpedo
- Smoking time: About 90 minutes
- $10.95 per stick.
Palate: Dynamic mixture of dark chocolate, wood, fine caramel, and toasted almonds. No artificial flavors added.
4. Padrón 1926 Serie
Background: Released in 2002 to commemorate José O. Padrón’s 75th birthday, the Padrón 1926 Serie holds the Cigar Aficionado’s “Cigar of the Year” award. Handmade from five-year-aged Nicaraguan tobacco, it’s available in sun-grown natural and Maduro wrappers.
- Ring gauge: Various
- Length: Various
- Strength: Full
- Body: Medium-Full
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Vitola: Double Corona, Gordo, Robusto, Torpedo
- Smoking time: Around 80 minutes
- Around $17.70.
Palate: Rich, earthy flavor base with spice, leather, nuts, and cocoa notes.
5. Romeo y Julieta Añejados
Background: Añejados tobacco aged in Cuba for at least ten years defines the Romeo y Julieta Añejados. The first pyramid-shaped Añejados cigar, it boasts a tan chestnut Cuban wrapper.
- Ring gauge: 52
- Length: 6”
- Strength: Medium
- Body: Medium
- Origin: Havana, Cuba
- Vitola: Pirámide
- Smoking time: Around 100 minutes
- From $41/$75.60.
Palate: Rich mixture of woody and earthy flavors with notes of buttercream and herbs.
6. La Aroma de Cuba
Background: Originating in Cuba and gaining fame as the favored cigar brand of Winston Churchill in the late 1800s, La Aroma de Cuba is a cigar with a rich history.
Cigar Aficionado bestowed a remarkable 93-point rating on La Aroma de Cuba and honored it as the ‘#1 Cigar Industry Best Buy in the World.’ This bold blend features Cuban-seed Nicaraguan long-fillers wrapped in a dark Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, delivering a memorable smoking experience.
- Ring gauge: 44, 50, 52, 54, 58, and 60
- Length: 5, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6, and 7”
- Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Nicaraguan
- Strength: Medium
- Body: Medium-Full
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Vitola: Belicoso, Churchill, Corona, Double Corona, Gordo, Robusto, Toro
- Handmade: Yes
- Smoking time: around 100 minutes
- From $5.80 for a single cigar.
Palate: La Aroma de Cuba presents a harmonious blend of flavors, creating a taste profile that appeals to both new and seasoned cigar enthusiasts. With a base of cocoa, cedar, molasses, and earth, the cigar offers a well-balanced combination of sweet and savory notes.
The addition of spices further enhances the overall experience. The cigars are available in packs of 5, 20, and as single cigars, making La Aroma de Cuba a must-have for those seeking a high-quality and satisfying smoke at an accessible price point.
7. Davidoff Yamasá
Background: Despite the perceived difficulty of the Yamasá Valley’s soil in the Dominican Republic, it provides the ideal conditions for cultivating the tobacco that shapes the complexity of the Davidoff Yamasá. This cigar is a standout in Davidoff’s Black Pillar series, known for its innovation and the use of tobaccos sourced globally.
In 2017, the Yamasá blend earned a well-deserved 90-point rating, with the review highlighting its even burn and describing it as “wearing a dark and alluring wrapper.” The profile is characterized by earthy and woody impressions, balanced by a toasty quality and cocoa powder sweetness.
- Ring gauge: 48, 50, and 52
- Length: 4, 5, 6, and 6.125”
- Wrapper: Yamasá, Dominican Republic
- Binder: Yamasá, Dominican Republic
- Filler: Piloto, Condega, Estelí tobacco from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
- Strength: Medium-Full
- Body: Medium-Full
- Origin: Dominican Republic
- Vitola: Corona, Robusto, Toro, Pyramid
- Handmade: Yes
- Smoking time: 25 to 70 minutes depending on the vitola type
- From $13 for a single cigar.
Palate: The Davidoff Yamasá offers a captivating palate experience, featuring a spicy-sweet interplay of woody and earthy flavors. The blend introduces notes of spices and sweet orange, complemented by hints of nuts, leather, and coffee.
This cigar is available in packs or boxes of 4, 12, 14, and as single cigars, catering to enthusiasts seeking a sophisticated smoking experience that embodies the artistry and complexity synonymous with the Davidoff brand.
8. Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Churchill
Background: Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Churchill is a premium Nicaraguan cigar that was released in 2013. It is a medium-bodied cigar with a complex flavor profile that includes notes of pepper, earth, espresso, spices, and sweet notes. The cigar is made with Nicaraguan Habano tobacco grown in the Jalapa region of Nicaragua and a Mexican Maduro wrapper from the San Andres Valley.
- Ring gauge: 50
- Length: 7″
- Wrapper: Mexican San Andrès
- Binder: Nicaraguan Jalapa Valley
- Filler: Nicaraguan Jalapa Valley
- Strength: Medium
- Body: Medium-Full
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Assembly: Tabacalera Oliva de Nicaragua S.A. (Tabilosa)
- Vitola: Churchill
- Handmade: Yes
- Smoking time: 95 minutes
- From $9.
Palate: The Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Churchill is a medium-bodied cigar with a complex flavor profile. The cigar starts with notes of pepper and earth, followed by notes of espresso, spices, and sweet notes. The burn is even and the ash is steel-grey. The cigar is well-balanced and is sure to satisfy even the most discerning cigar enthusiast.
9. Davidoff Winston Churchill
Background: Launched in 2019, the Davidoff Winston Churchill cigar embodies the essence of its namesake, drawing inspiration from the bold and adventurous spirit of Sir Winston Churchill. The blend is a carefully crafted combination of tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Mexico, delivering a premium smoking experience.
The cigar’s presentation is noteworthy, with a box reminiscent of the iconic statesman’s briefcase, containing ten cigars that double as a travel humidor.
- Ring gauge: 50
- Length: 5”
- Wrapper: Ecuador
- Binder: Mexican Negro San Andrés Seco
- Filler: San Vicente, Piloto, Criollo, Estelí, Semilia A
- Strength: Medium
- Body: Medium-full
- Origin: the Dominican Republic
- Assembly: Tabadom
- Vitola: Robusto
- Handmade: Yes
- Smoking time: 60-70 minutes
- From $30 for a single cigar.
Palate: The Winston Churchill cigar offers a sophisticated flavor profile with earthy undertones complemented by creamy notes, hints of coffee, and a delightful salted caramel finish. The cigar burns evenly, forming a distinct cone of ash, contributing to an overall exceptional smoking experience. With its outstanding presentation and a nod to the iconic briefcase of Sir Winston Churchill, this cigar is a true indulgence for aficionados seeking a premium and adventurous smoking journey.
10. Nat Sherman Sterling Selection
Background: Nat Sherman, a legendary cigar brand, showcases its excellence with the Sterling cigars, a testament to the brand’s storied legacy. The blend features Dominican long-filler tobacco and an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, creating a rich and complex flavor profile with a mild to medium body. Notably, the Dominican tobacco undergoes a decade of aging, contributing to the cigars’ exceptional quality.
- Ring gauge: 40, 43, 48
- Length: 4, 6.25, 7”
- Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
- Binder: The Dominican Republic
- Filler: The Dominican Republic
- Strength: Mild-Medium
- Body: Mild-Medium
- Origin: The Dominican Republic
- Vitola: Petit Corona, Lonsdale, Churchill
- Handmade: Yes
- From $9.
Palate: The Nat Sherman Sterling Selection delivers a refined smoking experience with a palate characterized by woody undertones, balanced spices, and nutty flavors. Subtle floral notes add complexity to the overall profile. The cigars feature a smooth surface with a slight oily sheen and are meticulously crafted to provide a premium smoking experience.
The burn and draw, typical of a top-tier cigar, result in a firm, silver-gray ash with no flaking. Ideal for a morning smoking session, these cigars are versatile enough to be enjoyed at any time of day, offering a valuable and gratifying experience for cigar aficionados. Available in boxes of 25 cigars, the Nat Sherman Sterling Selection is a true embodiment of craftsmanship and quality.
11. JC Newman The American
Background: Breaking new ground, JC Newman introduces The American, proudly claiming the title of the first luxury cigar entirely made in the USA. A 100% USA-made cigar, it stands out with its dark cinnamon wrapper and an elegant presentation that reflects elements of American culture. This cigar marks a significant milestone in the industry, and its smoking experience is as distinctive as its origin.
- Ring gauge: 47, 50, 54, 56
- Length: 5, 5.25, 6, 7”
- Wrapper: Florida sun-grown
- Binder: Connecticut broadleaf
- Filler: Connecticut Havana seed and Pennsylvania Mennonite
- Strength: Medium
- Body: Medium
- Origin: The USA
- Assembly: El Reloj, Tampa, Florida
- Vitola: Churchill, Torpedo, Toro, Robusto
- Handmade: Yes
- Smoking time: 120 minutes
- From $20.
Palate: The American by JC Newman promises a rich and complex flavor profile, offering a smoking experience that reflects the craftsmanship and dedication of its 100% USA-made composition. Expect a leathery and woody foundation, accompanied by dark chocolate and spices with a subtle hint of sweetness.
The smoking temperature is warm but not unpleasant, contributing to a pleasurable experience. The pale ash, falling off after an inch, adds to the cigar’s overall appeal. Pair it with American beverages like craft root beer or single malt, or opt for a delightful combination with filter coffee or espresso.
Whether enjoyed at a barbecue with friends or on a special occasion, The American promises satisfaction with its extended smoking duration and unique flavors. Don’t miss the chance to experience the distinctive taste of The American by JC Newman! Available in 10 cigar wooden cabinets.
12. Ramon Allones Superiores LCD
Background: Ramon Allones Superiores LCDH is a premium Cuban cigar that is highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts around the world. It is a full-bodied cigar with a complex flavor profile that includes notes of nuts, cinnamon, and cappuccino. The cigar is made with Cuban puro tobacco, which is considered to be the finest tobacco in the world.
- Ring gauge: 46, 50
- Length: 5.625, 5″
- Wrapper: Cuban Puro
- Binder: Cuban Puro
- Filler: Cuban Puro
- Strength: Medium
- Body: Medium-Full
- Origin: Cuba
- Vitola: Toro, Grand Corona
- Handmade: Yes
- Smoking time: 60-80 minutes
- From $30.
Palate: Ramon Allones Superiores LCDH is a full-bodied cigar with a complex flavor profile. The cedar box adds a pleasant aroma to the cigar. The cigar has a distinct Cuban triple-seam cap. The cold draw is smooth with mild resistance. The burn is oily and thick. The cigar is well-balanced and should be carefully paired with mild beverages. A good pairing would be a mild bourbon, champagne, or double espresso.