Top 10 Best Rocky Patel Cigars: 2024 List
You would struggle to find a more honored brand in the cigar industry than Rocky Patel. Indeed, they do exist, but they are not common.
Rocky is a true rock star of the cigar industry, having established himself as one of the most prolific makers in the business. His cigars are available on shelves all over the world.
Well, if you do not know who Rocky Patel is?
Let me tell you something interesting about him.
Does a person’s life get any more luxuriously intriguing than going from being one of Hollywood’s best solicitors to a cigar maker?
The moniker Rakesh “Rocky” Patel is practically always associated with premium cigars. Rocky Patel established a cigar company under his grandfather’s supervision after developing one of the most prestigious brands in the world.
Thanks to his passion, zeal, and resolve to develop a more comprehensive range of exquisite, premium cigars, Rocky Patel’s well-calculated entrepreneurial risk paid off in the end with the creation of his tobacco brand, Rocky Patel Premium Cigars.
The Rocky Patel brand has gone a long way in its more than 25 years of existence to become one of the leading players in the premium cigar market today, creating an industry of luxury and class.
In the tobacco industry, Rocky Patel’s cigar brand is renowned throughout the world for its elegance and grandeur. Every mature cigar enthusiast is aware of this brand and the illustrious businessman who founded it.
So are you excited to explore some of his best cigars? Then you have landed in the right place.
Let’s examine the top 10 Rocky Patel best cigar reviews that every cigar enthusiast ought to be aware of:
Top 10 Best Rocky Patel Cigars Mini-Reviews
- 1. Suitable for smokers of all levels: Rocky Patel LB1
- 2. Rich and layered flavors: Rocky Patel Decade
- 3. Smooth and complex: Rocky Patel Vintage 1990
- 4. High intensity flavor: Rocky Patel Royale
- 5. Rocky Patel Quarter Century
- 6. Unique taste: Rocky Patel Disciple
- 7. For experienced enthusiasts: Rocky Patel The Edge Maduro
- 8. Rocky Patel Vintage 1999
- 9. For most people: Rocky Patel Number 6
- 10. Medium intensity: Rocky Patel Sixty
1. Suitable for smokers of all levels: Rocky Patel LB1
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Length: 6.50
Ring: 52
Wrapper Type: Ecuador Habano
Binder: Honduras
Filler: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium
Smoke Time: 100 Minutes
In the world of premium cigars, the LB1 is as exquisite as they come.
The LB1, which got its name from the factory’s blending code, underwent numerous testing before making its way onto store shelves, but it was all well worth it for the incredibly creamy smoke that resulted.
Rich, earthy, nutty, and bitter flavors abound in this medium-bodied stick, which will also tantalize your senses with warm, toasted almond, coffee, and spice scents.
Made in Honduras, this cigar is encased in Ligero leaves from the nation’s Jamastran Valley with filler tobaccos from Nicaragua’s Condega and Esteli districts.
An exquisite claro-colored Ecuadoran Habano wrapper, which will stand out among the other cigars in the collection, completes this elegant gift.
2. Rich and layered flavors: Rocky Patel Decade
Origin: Honduras
Wrapper: Sumatra
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Strength: Full
Origin: Honduras
Rocky Patel Decade is one of Rocky’s most well-received albums. After its release, the blend received an astounding 95 points from Cigar Aficionado.
Dried cherries are hinting at the medium-to-full-bodied flavours of almonds, black pepper, and cedar. Made by hand in Honduras, Rocky combined a special combination of tobacco leaves from Nicaragua with a leaf from Ecuador Sumatra, which was very succulent.
The Decade, which was first introduced in 2007 to commemorate Rocky’s tenth year in business, has grown to be one of the line’s most well-known and enduring cigars.
Cigar Aficionado gave this blend’s rich profile, which is characterised by flavours of peppery spice and toasted wood, an incredibly uncommon 95 rating.
3. Smooth and complex: Rocky Patel Vintage 1990
Country of Origin: Honduras
Length: 6.50
Ring: 52
Wrapper Type: Honduras
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Dominican Republic / Nicaragua
Strength: Mellow – Medium
Smoke Time: 100 Minutes
Our following selection is sure to win over cigar enthusiasts.
The oldest of Rocky Patel’s vintage cigars, the Rocky Patel Vintage 1990, is crafted with aged tobaccos and exhilarating complexity.
Cigar Aficionado gave this mature smoking a 92-rating, and it was listed in their top 25 cigars of the year twice.
Its roasted nut and caramel flavours are savoury and sweet, skillfully fusing tri-regional flavours into one outstanding stick.
With tobaccos from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, a Nicaraguan binder, and an opulent Honduran wrapper, the Vintage 1990 is all and more that you could ask for in a vintage cigar.
4. High intensity flavor: Rocky Patel Royale
Origin: Honduras
Wrapper: Sumatra
Binder: Connecticut, Connecticut Broadleaf
Filler: Nicaragua, Honduras
Strength: Medium-Full
Origin: Honduras
This cigar, which has a rating of 94, is truly worthy of a king.
Despite having a medium body, it is flavorful throughout. Beautiful flavours of sweet and pepper are added by its Ecuadorian wrapper.
Its silky smooth Connecticut leaf binder gives it a slightly creamy and sweet flavour. Its filler, a blend of aged tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua, gives it an oddly alluring profile of earth, leather, and sweet spice.
It is exceptionally tasty, silky, and well-balanced. Rocky’s Royale cigar is wrapped in smooth Sumatra, filled with tasty long leaves, and finished with a box press a la Cubana. It has a smooth, rich flavour that is somewhat spicy.
The Royale’s nuanced flavours are certain to leave a lasting impression.
5. Rocky Patel Quarter Century
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Length: 5.50
Ring: 50
Wrapper Type: San Andrés Mexican
Binder: Honduras
Filler: Honduras / Nicaragua
Strength: Full
Smoke Time: 90 Minutes
Rocky Patel celebrated their 25 years of excellence by throwing a spectacular celebration with this cigar masterpiece to commemorate their 25 years of brilliance.
This smoke’s attention to detail perfectly captures the goals Rocky Patel had when he first started his business, and it shows in how nicely it lights and burns.
The Maduro cigar, which is made with tobaccos that are aged for two years before rolling, has an elegantly wrapped Mexican San Andres wrapper that gleams.
You will be enthralled with the earthy, red pepper, and cocoa notes in this leathery delight, which perfectly complement the aged Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos that were used to fill and bind this jewel.
6. Unique taste: Rocky Patel Disciple
Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper: San Andres (Mexico)
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium-Full
Origin: Nicaragua
Made in Nicaragua, the robust Disciple is packed with the best Nicaraguan tobacco reserves and dressed in a dark Mexican San Andres wrapper.
The Disciple’s medium-full body enlightens with a seamless progression of earthy, peppery, woody, and naturally sweet flavour notes.
7. For experienced enthusiasts: Rocky Patel The Edge Maduro
Country of Origin: Honduras
Length: 5.50
Ring: 54
Wrapper Type: Costa Rica
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Honduras / Nicaragua
Strength: Medium-Full
Smoke Time: 100 Minutes
Second, the Rock Patel Edge Maduro adds the smooth, sweet and distinct flavour of a Maduro wrapper to their wildly popular Edge line, which was introduced in 2004.
This cigar retains all the wonderful qualities of their best-selling model.
This is accomplished by cloaking the aged tobaccos with an exotic Costa Rican Maduro shade wrapper and using the same blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobacco that Rocky Patel has perfected.
Made in partnership with Nestor Plascencia, this blend of the greatest flavours hand-picked by titans of the industry delivers a full-bodied experience that draws smoothly, burns slowly, and leaves you in awe of its wonderful scents of espresso, wood, leather, and cream.
8. Rocky Patel Vintage 1999
Length: 6.50
Ring: 52
Wrapper Type: Connecticut Shade
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Dominican Republic / Nicaragua
Origin: Honduras
Strength: Medium
Smoke Time: 110 Minutes
One of the best mild sticks available today, The Rocky Patel Vintage 1999, has been aged for seven years, making it a true icon.
Cigar Aficionado gave this 91-rated claro jewel a 91 rating because of its flawless blend and gorgeous blonde Connecticut Shade wrapper, which will surprise you until the very end.
Constructed in Honduras, this light smoke has a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco, bonded with a Nicaraguan leaf, offering flavours of citrus, sweet cream, and leather that will make you feel comfortable no matter where you are.
9. For most people: Rocky Patel Number 6
Wrapper: Corojo (Honduras)
Binder: Honduras
Filler: Honduras, Nicaragua
Strength: Medium
Origin: Honduras
Rocky’s best-selling Number 6 has balanced flavours of coffee, earth, sweet spice, honey, and faint caramel that reveal themselves with every pull.
The mouthwatering Number 6 might be your lucky number; it’s named after the original blend code that was used to test samples for this version.
10. Medium intensity: Rocky Patel Sixty
Wrapper: San Andres
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium
Origin: Nicaragua
This elegant Sixty, designed in honour of Rocky’s 60th birthday, is the ideal homage to one of the hardest-working legends in the cigar business.
This is as close to having a party with a cigar as it gets, combining a meticulously chosen Mexican San Andres wrapper leaf with a special core mix that includes a never-before-seen combination of Nicaraguan tobaccos.
A delight of delicious flavour is produced by the swirling notes of soil, coffee, caramel, and leather.
Final puff
You should genuinely try this list at least once in your life.
Thanks to his passion, zeal, and resolve to develop a more comprehensive range of exquisite, premium cigars, Rocky Patel’s well-calculated entrepreneurial risk paid off in the end with the creation of his tobacco brand, Rocky Patel Premium Cigars.
In the tobacco industry, Rocky Patel’s cigar brand is renowned worldwide for its elegance and grandeur.
What is the best-rated Rocky Patel cigar?
Rocky Patel Decade is one of Rocky’s best-rated cigars. When the blend was first released in 2007, Cigar Aficionado gave it an astounding 95 points. The palate is treated to medium-to-full-bodied flavours of almond, spices, and cedar, along with a touch of dried cherry.
What is the most expensive Rocky Patel cigar?
The Rocky Patel 50 is the most expensive cigar by Rocky Patel. Rocky Patel 50 is the most expensive cigar line he’s ever put out, limited edition or otherwise
What is the best Rocky Patel cigar for beginners?
Rocky Patel American Market Selection is best for beginners. American Market Selection is Rocky Patel’s smooth and flavorful response to the low-cost cigar market.
Beginners adore this since it offers all of Rocky’s benefits at a fraction of the usual cost, with nuts, earth, and sweet spices flavours.
Is Rocky Patel a premium cigar?
Rocky Patel, one of the most well-known figures in the premium cigar industry, started as a cigar consumer before founding his tobacco firm.