Cohiba Red Dot Review: 2024 Good Cigar
This brand name alone proclaims the unquestionable dominance of Cuban cigars for over 50 years; yet, today I want to draw your attention to…
This brand name alone proclaims the unquestionable dominance of Cuban cigars for over 50 years; yet, today I want to draw your attention to…
Handmade in Honduras, the Rocky Patel Black Label is a very affordable cigar. This magnificent cigar is unquestionably of the highest calibre and stands…
Rocky Patel has almost two decades of experience in the cigar industry. Since being on sale in 2013, his new Royale may be his…
You would struggle to find a more honored brand in the cigar industry than Rocky Patel. Indeed, they do exist, but they are not…
LB1 is an example of a cigar that begins with a code number when a factory develops it. And this Rocky patel LB1 is…
A living legend in the cigar industry is known as Rocky Patel. In actuality, his compositions consistently rank highly in rankings of the best…
Rocky Patel DBS acronym stands for Double Broadleaf Selection. This denotes the blend’s creative utilisation of two different broadleaf leaves. Really, nothing compares to…
Rocky Patel, the owner of Rocky Patel Premium Cigars, enjoys commemorating significant anniversaries. The idea of commemorating a milestone, be it a birthday, an…
I would like to share my Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Review from the experience that I recently had. I could tell it was different when I lit it because of the distinct flavor that comes from a special blend of tobaccos. The flavor that remained on my tongue was smooth and sweet, which I really enjoyed.
Known as Disciple, this four-vitola regular production creation is composed of Nicaraguan tobacco used as filler and binder, with a Mexican San Andrés wrapper.