What is Cigar Plume: Cigar Plume vs Mold 2024

Welcome, cigar fans, to the journey of Cigar Plume vs. Mold in 2024! Today, we learn how to tell these two apart. Both often appear on our cigars. Our main goal is to help you know the difference between Cigar Plume and Cigar Mold. Join me as we discover the secrets behind them and learn to keep our cigars safe with care and skill.

What Is Cigar Plume?

Cigar Plume happens naturally when cigars get older. Oils come out of the tobacco and look like a fine white powder.

The oils rise to the surface and turn into tiny crystals. This makes a soft white layer that you can brush off easily without leaving a mark.

what is cigar plume

Think of a snowy field shining under the moonlight. The snow sparkles evenly, just like how plume on cigar sparkles in the light.

Plume, also called “bloom,” shows that the cigar is good quality and has aged well. It means the cigar was kept in good condition for a long time.

It looks like white powder or tiny crystals on the wrapper. You can tell it apart from mold because it spreads evenly and comes off easily without staining.

Cigar Mold Vs Plume

Knowing the difference between Cigar Mold and Cigar Plume is important for every cigar lover. Let’s see how you can tell them apart.


  • Plume shows that cigars are well-aged. It looks like a white powder or tiny crystals on the wrapper. You can brush it off easily without leaving a mark.
  • But, Mold means there is a storage problem. Mold looks fuzzy, spotty, and three-dimensional. It can change the taste of the cigar and might make you sick if smoked.


  • The oils in a cigar come out and turn into crystals to form Plume. This shows good aging.
  • On the other hand, Mold grows in places with high humidity or bad air flow. Keeping cigars in good conditions stops mold from growing.
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  • One way to tell plume from mold is by trying to remove it. You can wipe off plume easily without changing the cigar’s flavor, but mold sticks and changes the taste a lot.


When talking about Cigar Plume vs. Mold, color is a big clue. Let’s see how color helps you tell them apart.

  • Plume looks like white powder or tiny crystals on the cigar’s surface. It’s like a light dusting of snow, making the cigar look fancy.
  • But, Mold can be green, black, yellow, white, or tan patches on the cigar. These colors show mold and mean the cigar might be bad.
  • By looking at the color of spots or powder on your cigars, you can quickly know if it’s safe plume or harmful mold.


Knowing how to tell Cigar Plume from Cigar Mold also means knowing how easy they are to remove.

  • Plume comes off easily with a gentle brush or wipe using your finger. It leaves no residue behind. This shows it’s probably plume and not mold.
  • But trying to remove Mold may leave stains or smudges even after wiping. If stains stay after cleaning, it’s a sign of mold on the cigar.
  • By seeing how each comes off the cigar surface, you can tell if your cigars have harmless plume or bad mold.

Is Cigar Plume Good?

Yes. Plume shows cigars have aged well and are high quality. It makes your cigar look fancy, like glitter on a special night.

Can I Still Smoke Cigars With Plume?

Yes, of course, you can; the Plume is created by aging a premium cigar, and it will have a stronger flavor than before.

We can gently brush off the Cigar Plume and enjoy it.

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How to prevent cigar plume

Cigar Plume is an inevitable part of the aging process of a fine cigar, unless you smoke it early.

The presence of Cigar Plume is a sign of a well aged cigar and we should not be organizing it, we should be organizing it as a sign of a moldy cigar.

What is cigar mold

Cigar mold is a type of fungus that appears on cigars when they are stored in environments with high humidity and heat, typically above 70% humidity and 77°F. Mold can appear in various colors, including white, green, blue, and gray, and it damages the cigars by making them soggy and foul-tasting. Unlike plume, which is harmless and indicates proper aging, mold is harmful and can ruin cigars.

What causes mold?

Cigar mold is primarily caused by high humidity levels and improper storage conditions. When cigars are stored at above 70% relative humidity or with non-distilled water in the humidor, mold can grow and spread. To prevent mold, it’s important to maintain the right humidity levels, use distilled water, and ensure proper air circulation in the humidor.

cigar mold vs plume

How to save a moldy cigar

Moldy cigars can’t be saved, so if you want to smoke this cigar, cut out the mold..

What are the common spots on the wrapper


Green patches show that something is wrong with your cigar. They stand out like shiny jewels but warn of mold growth.


Black patches are like shadows in daylight, showing mold has taken over your cigars. They remind you of bad storage or neglect.


Yellow patches add unexpected brightness to your cigar but also warn of possible mold growth. Their appearance hints at problems with how you’re storing them.


White patches look like tiny snowflakes, making the cigar look fancy. They show the cigar is aging well.

How to store cigars safely

Storing cigars right is very important.

  • Humidor: A humidor is like a comfy home for your cigars. It keeps the humidity just right and stops mold.
  • Cool Place: Keep your cigars in a cool spot. Too much heat can ruin their taste and quality.
  • No Sunlight: Cigars don’t like direct sunlight. Find a shady place for them to avoid changes.
  • Check Often: Look at your cigars often. Watch for strange colors or textures that could mean trouble.
  • Rotate Them: Move your cigars around sometimes. This helps them age evenly and stops mold from growing in one spot.
  • Good Airflow: Make sure there’s good air circulation where you store your cigars. This keeps conditions just right.


How can you tell the difference between plume and mold on a cigar?

The cigar plume is usually white and comes off with a wipe. Cigar mold is generally duller in color and can only be cut off if you want to remove it.

What causes plumes on cigars?

Plumes on cigars, also known as bloom, occur when the oils within the cigar rise to the surface and crystallize over time. This is a natural and desirable sign that the cigar has been aged well and stored properly in optimal conditions. It’s a reassuring indicator for cigar aficionados that their cigars are maturing perfectly.

Plush Cigar